Perceptions and Realities of the Rule of Law in Mexico and the U.S.

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In very few relationships in the world, are perceptions as important as they are between the United States and Mexico. Over the last 14 years, both nations have emerged from a history of distrust and distance to embark on an intense path of political, economic and social interdependence. The renewed relationship has been driven largely by powerful demographic and economic shifts that have brought the countries closer. Migration, trade and investments flows, transnational cultural influences, and civic networks have led to a degree of awareness and engagement with each other that would have been almost unimaginable some years ago. A challenge in Mexico that is is a priority for most Mexicans, is the one related to the rule of law. The Rule of Law Challenges in Mexico and Public Defenders conference discussed the perceptions, realities and challenges related to the rule of law in both the federal and state levels in Mexico.


Coahuila, Mexico

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